Viva Sinulog Trivia!

  Everything* you need to know about the Philippines’ largest (and most awesome) religious festival slash street party. The Festival Sinulog is a festival held in Cebu City that celebrates and honors the Santo NiƱo (the infant Jesus). The festival lasts for 9 days. It begins on the Thursday after the Feast of the Epiphany and ends on the third Sunday of January with the … Continue reading Viva Sinulog Trivia!

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Don’t Stop To Smell The Roses

Screw staying put. I’ve four plane tickets scheduled for January, (not counting the one I used to come back to Manila) (fine, two of those tickets are for return flights) and loads more trips planned for the rest of the year. You know how some people say that they have out-of-body episodes during particularly traumatic experiences? Well, I’d get transported to a foreign city – … Continue reading Don’t Stop To Smell The Roses

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